National Security Education & Values Education

Our school emphasizes instilling positive values and attitudes in students while cultivating their character strengths. Different departments and teams cooperate to provide a comprehensive learning experience conducive to students’holistic development. Proper values and attitudes are fostered through a wide range of school programs and extracurricular activities. Our ultimate goal is to educate Canossians to appreciate our national heritage, history, and culture; make informed decisions and act with integrity; and contribute positively to society as a whole.




To deepen students’ understanding of their homeland, our school has organized various exchange tours to the mainland, aimed at providing students with a comprehensive learning and cultural experience. Students have the opportunity to personally experience the Chinese culture, including traditional customs and folk arts. Additionally, by visiting historical sites and cultural landmarks, students can learn about the historical background and development China, enhancing their recognition of national culture and values, and thereby fostering a sense of patriotism.  


Please click the links below to know more about our activities on national security education:



S.3 Jiangmen Tour 

S.5 CS Mainland Tour
National Security Education Study Tour

Sister School Scheme in Tianjin


Flag Raising Ceremony and Speech under National Flag every Thursday



Training of National "Constitution and Basic Law Student Ambassors"

National and Civic Ambassador Council



Inter-school National Security Education Quiz Competition

National Constitution Day Game Booth

Greater Bay Area Travel Route Design Competition

Celebrating National Day Through Calligraphy

Inter-school Tea Ceremony Art Competition

Inter-school National Day Board Design Competition

"September 18 Incident" Mini-exhibition and Quiz Competition



Thematic Book Exhibition on Intangible Cultural Heritage 

Tea Art Workshop

Preservation of Chinese Culture Meta-universe Course 



Speech under National Flag


The followng table shows the speeches made by our girls during the year 2024-25:

Date Class Title
12-Sep 6C 尊師重道,感念師恩
19-Sep 6B 中秋節:舉杯邀明月,共享團圓曲
26-Sep 6A 弘揚非遺文化,傳承工匠精神
10-Oct 6D 揚國粹,讓中國京劇走向世界
17-Oct 5A 科技創新讓生活更美好
24-Oct 5B 傳承體育精神,展現青春風采
7-Nov 5C 物理——人類文明進步的階梯
14-Nov 5D 做好學習規劃,成就最美好的自己
21-Nov 4A 發展綠色經濟,奠基文明生活
28-Nov 4B 體育讓夢想成真——致敬每位奧運英雄
5-Dec 4C 數學源於生活,也服務於生活
12-Dec 4D 錦繡山河,文化瑰寶——天然綠肺肇慶


We are fully committed to offering an all-round education enhanced with the Gospel spirit and the virtues of humility, respect, kindness and love.