STEM Education

STEM education is an integral part of our curriculum, seamlessly integrating science, technology, engineering and mathematics. We provide engaging STEM lessons to our F.1 and F. 2 students, fostering curiosity and critical thinking.


In collaboration with the Visual Arts Panel, we embarked on an innovative project involving laser engraving and cutting on wooden boardsm nurtuing creativity and exploring the intersection of art and technology. In addition, our students also delve into the exciting world of app development during STEM lessons. Through hands-on activities and coding exercises, they learn to create their own mobile applications, further enhancing their problem-solving and computational thinking skills.


Through extra-curricular actiivities, we expose student to AI drawig and drone flying, inspiring their interest in STEM and cultivating their problem-solving skills. Our dedication to excellence was recognised when we emerged as champions in the Cyber Security Expo - Cyber Sercurity Innovation Challenge, reflecting our commitment to preparing students for a digitally connected world. Our comprehensive STEM education initiatives, interdisciplinary collaborations, and remarkable achievements shape students who are academically proficient and equipped to thrive in an ever-evolving world.

We are fully committed to offering an all-round education enhanced with the Gospel spirit and the virtues of humility, respect, kindness and love.