The F.3 English Singing Competition was held on 14th March, 2018. Different groups from the four F.3 classes competed on stage and all of them performed remarkably. At last, the group representing 3D won the first place with their impressive cup song.

You may download the photos from here.



The Annual F.2 Fashion Show was held on 13th March, 2018. It was a Green Fashion Show, in which F.2 students made use of recyclable items to make their outfits. It gave student an opportunity to unleash their creativity. Students cheered the teams on and had a joyous lunchtime in the hall.

You may download the photos from here.



The F.1 Story Telling Competition was held on 12th March, 2018. F.1 students made use of their imagination to create new stories and performed them in front of their schoolmates. All students had an enjoyable lunchtime with laughter.

You may download the photos from here.



Students from Canossa School(Hong Kong) were invited to join the ceramics classes held from 12th to 20th March, 2018. The primary students had a chance to make ceramic products and brought them home. All students had a memorable time at our school.

You may download the photos from here.



The Pre-Sports Day was held on 9th March, 2018 to encourage students to exercise regularly in their daily life. Different competitions such as high jump, long jump and running were held around the school and many students took part in them actively. They all had an enjoyable afternoon.

You may download the photos from here.


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