Our students participated in the 2nd Inter-School Tea Art Performance Contest on 13 April and were awarded the merit award. Tea art is a traditional Chinese cultural practice that involves the graceful and skillful preparation and presentation of tea.

The students demonstrated exceptional talent and technique in their tea art performance, captivating the judges and audience with their poise, elegance, and adherence to the intricate traditions of this art form.


This academic year marks the 65th anniversary of the school establishment, 40th anniversary of the campus relocation

as well as the 250th anniversary of the birth of our foundress, St. Magdalene of Canossa.

One of the most anticipated celebratory events was the Open Day held in late March.


Since the beginning of the school year, teachers and students had been dedicating enormous time and effort to the preparation of the event

despite their heavy workload and hectic schedules. Students were given plenty of opportunities to explore interests and talents,

to develop teamwork and leadership, as well as to build confidence and self-esteem.


Visitors, including parents, alumnae and our Quarry Bay neighbours, were deeply impressed by how versatile our students were -

the courteous Student Ambassadors at different booths, the brilliant performers on stage and the quiet heroines who helped with school decoration.

Support from parents and alumnae also contributed to the huge success of the Open Days.

With the concerted effort of all school members, the Open Day was an incredible blast bringing joy to everyone!


The Christmas Mass was held on December 20, 2023. It served as a reminder of the true meaning of Christmas and the importance of faith in navigating life's obstacles.

It was a time for students to reflect, find solace, and draw strength from their spiritual beliefs. The F.6 students, who were preparing for the upcoming HKDSE exams, received blessings during the mass.

It was hoped that they would give their best efforts in their exams, knowing they are supported by the prayers and blessings of their peers and teachers.

Our members from the Religious Affairs Committee took part in the Caritas Bazaar held at Victoria Park on November 5, 2023.

This event served as a platform to raise funds and spread the message of God's love. The collected funds will be used to help those in crises or in financial hardship. Our school won the first runner-up in the Game Design Competition of the Caritas Bazaar 2023. 

We express our heartfelt gratitude to all who visited our booth. Your support is deeply appreciated!


The School Opening Mass was held on September 15, 2023 and was graced by the presence of Father Timothy Wan.

This significant event brought together students and teachers to express their gratitude to God for the successful start of the new academic year. As part of the ceremony, Father Wan conducted the inauguration of the Religious Affairs Student Committee members, who made a heartfelt commitment to serve the school and their fellow students to the best of their abilities.

May God guide us with faith, hope, love and joy as we embark on this new school year.

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