Visual Arts
Apart from the fundamental curriculum for junior students, our school provides a DSE curriculum for senior
learners who are interested in Visual Arts (V.A.). With both indoor and outdoor learning activities, students
can gain more art learning experiences and exposures.


  A visit to an exhibition by the F.5 V.A. students
F.4 V.A. students at the Sr. Marie Art Workshop


Talented art students from different forms are recommended to join out-of-school art activities.

Canossian participants in a Drawing Competition



Memorable moments in a Tsim Sha Tsui graffiti workshop

Students showing their paintwork in a drawing workshop in Yau Tong Shopping Mall.


The elite art class aims to develop students’ potential in different art forms.


The elite art class has a ceramic wheel-throwing lesson.



Artist Sr. Marie demonstrates her drawing skills to the class.


Learning workshops in a traditional craftsmanship studio and a local media printing factory



As seen in important festivals, beautiful artworks can also be found everywhere in our school campus.
Round the corner or up the stairs are students’ displays or exhibits. The mini-exhibition held every year in the
Campus Visit is amazing and unforgettable to the visitors. Come and sail in our art ocean. I am sure you will
have a full ship of beautiful memories.



The various art activities put the school in a spectrum of gaily colours. The art atmosphere, hopefully, adds
fuel to the learning of our students.


The whole school participated in the wall painting activity “Let's Colour 校園添色彩計劃” in 2014 organized by Dulux.


On the Foundress Day celebration, students do live painting with Sr. Marie.
A showcase of class banners at the school hall

A4 file and student handbook covers designed by senior form VA students


2016 - 2017  



2017 - 2018


2018 - 2019


2019 - 2020



Graduation Day banners designed by senior form VA students















Artwork in Celebration of 60th Anniversary











Zentangle by F.2 students










Vision and Mission of Catholic Schools - Justice, Family, Truth, Live and Love 










60th Anniversary logo design by F.4 students  














The banner design with the theme – Sharing Joy & Love